Donnerstag, 3. September 2009

Fw: 21st August update

----- Original Message -----
From: paul
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 1:13 PM
Subject: 21st August update

Bonjourno everybody,
Had a lovely sail from Arbatax, Sardinia to Trapani, Sicily. Currently moored to a buoy outside the marina [it's free!!!] in a large commercial/fishing port.About 10baots here with us including one American and 1 Aussie . The locals are very friendly and the City is beautiful in a delapidated way but quite worth a visit.
Edward is leaving tomorrow sadly, so back to us 2. May try and slip or lift Pax here as bottom is very weedy, but we will get info first.
Had enough pizza to last a lifetime, but beer is ok here and cheaper than S France- thank goodness!!
This is Edward on the wheel
Will let you know more later, cheers H&P

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