Montag, 9. Juli 2012

Pax's new gaff mizzen

Here we are recently sailing across the Straits of Gibraltar with all plain sails set . The new gaff rigged mizzen proved useful and also looks the part. We joined the Annual Gib to Smir rally and enjoyed seeing old friends and making new ones.
Currently in the Rio Guadiana, moored alogside Alcoutim, but considering heading back to Gib for their annual regatta at the end of July, anyone interested in crewing for that? The regatta runs from 27th to 29th July so will be going there in advance of those dates and will prob head back to Portugal afterwards.

Freitag, 25. Mai 2012

u tube

hi kids ive put a new vid of my new band on u tube  its ;black magic woman by my new band the old fogies;  its also on facebook  on my wall or something like thathave a look n build my numbers up     paul

Sonntag, 13. Mai 2012

Pax Nostrum news

Latest news is that we have acquired a red gaff sail, which we have been able to alter and use as a mizzen sail. This has meant changing the mizzen from bermudan to gaff rig , which Paul has just about completed .Here are a couple of pics showing how it will look.
We are currently busy preparing to leave Almerimar, but will not now leave until early June. Still heading for Portugal via Gib and Morocco, not rushing, so would love lots of folks to join us for some all all of our trip. Pretty flexible on timing , may take up to 4weeksish, but will see what weather is and what time  people have.
More soon cheers H&P

Freitag, 9. März 2012

Pax next trip

Hi Everyone,
Currently we are in Almerimar in SE Spain and have experienced adry but chilly winter. It has been relatively quiet, but thinkthat is the norm everywhere these days. However we have had a weekly jam session onboard and recently instigated an open mic/jam evening in a local irish bar [it belongs to Paul Mcgowen, brother of the infamous Sean of The Pogues], which is proving popular and good fun.
Now we are planning our next move. We aim to leave here as soon as poss after 15th May, heading West to Gibraltar, then on to the Rio Guadiana [the southern border between Spain and Portugal]. Destinations enroute will include Morocco, Gibraltar and several places along the Spanish coast. Our plan is to SAIL as much as possible so we are allowing around a month to get there. We hope to anchor as much as possible, thus avoiding high marina fees, but will be dinghying ashore visiting lots of different places.
It would be great to have lots of people sailing with us for all or part of the voyage so please get in toudh if you are interested.
Will leave it at that for now, hope to hear from folks soon,cheers H&P